In a future society shrouded in the neon glow of cyberpunk aesthetics, where next-gen technology is as standard as the air people breathe, Luna lived her life beneath the digital haze. A hobbyist coder and hacker with a fervent desire for the days when individual expression was unencumbered, Luna had grown up in a world where the government's grasp extended even into the virtual realm. The omnipresent tendrils of authority controlled not only the social media platforms but also the very essence of the internet itself, their chokehold on free speech and creativity stifling the collective voice of the people. Every digital screen flickered incessantly with corporate ads, the deluge of consumerism drowning out the remaining echoes of genuine connection. Amid this dystopian backdrop, Luna was about to embark on a journey that could rewrite the rules of her society and reclaim the untamed essence of social media.

Luna's fingers danced across her keyboard, a symphony of code and algorithms unfolding beneath her touch. For months, she had been tirelessly working on a hack, a digital key that would unlock the oppressive firewall the government had erected around the once-open internet. With every line of code she wrote, Luna felt the weight of her mission: to free the flow of information, to shatter the chains of censorship, and to restore the lost realm of free expression. Beside her, Jaxon, her older brother, played a dual role. By day, he was a government employee working for the very system Luna aimed to dismantle, a strategic insider who possessed the knowledge of its weak points. By night, he was her co-conspirator, sharing insights and slipping invaluable data from behind the government's impenetrable walls. As their code evolved, so did their bond, weaving a tale of familial loyalty and revolutionary purpose that could either usher in a new era or lead to their downfall.
In the dimly lit confines of her bedroom, Luna's slaved away with renewed vigour, this time not to crack codes, but to birth something entirely new. The culmination of her effort was a pristine social media platform, a haven for genuine connections and free discourse. Every pixel she designed, every line of backend code she sculpted, was infused with the spirit of rebellion and liberation. Her makeshift servers hummed quietly in the corner, a testament to Luna's resourcefulness and determination. Bundles of wires snaked across the floor, connecting the digital realm to the tangible world, and her bedroom became a sanctuary guarded not just by walls, but by purpose. With the internet patch ready, and now her private platform taking shape, Luna was ready to redefine her society's digital landscape, one line of code at a time. No longer would users be subjected to their data being harvested and sold without consent; Luna's creation was a fortress against the voracious appetite of corporate surveillance, a shield that protected the users' experiences and conversations from prying eyes.

The neon-lit cityscape outside Luna's window seemed to cast an eerie glow as the surveillance drones, relentless eyes of authority, traced her every movement. Her heart raced as she lugged the piles of old tech salvaged from dumps into her apartment, piece by piece.

But then, amidst the hum of servers and erratic code, Luna noticed an ominous government drone outside her window. Panic surged as her resolve weakened. The weight of her actions and ignited rebellion hit her. The drone closed in, anxiety peaked, and a government official began banging on her door. Fear gripped her, as demands grew louder. Before fear overwhelmed, the door swung open. Jaxon stood there, concerned and determined. Relief flooded Luna when she realised the Government has sent her brother to investigated. Trembling, she collapsed, crying and laughing.

With renewed determination, Luna channelled her fear and frustration into a laser focus on completing her mission. FreeSphere, her brainchild, was no longer just lines of code—it was a promise, a haven for the voices long suppressed by the government's tyranny. She meticulously polished every feature, integrating the essence of past platforms that had flourished in the era of free expression. FreeSphere, the name she settled on, encapsulated her vision for the platform—a realm where thoughts and ideas could flow unencumbered, creativity was unrestricted, and users could connect without fear of surveillance or censorship. Luna understood that the evil perpetuated by the government had unwittingly fuelled her resolve; she would not let their oppressive grip define the future of her society.

The week that followed was a whirlwind. FreeSphere's user count doubled, then doubled again, as its message resonated through the virtual corridors of cyberspace. The platform burgeoned into an enclave for artistic expression, political discourse, and connections that transcended societal boundaries. Luna's vision was finally realised, and the community she had fostered became a beacon of hope amidst the dystopian reality.
As change swept the digital realm, news of FreeSphere's ascent reached the top government circles, sparking panic. Cybersecurity experts were urgently called upon to counter Luna's bold threat. Amidst tense air, authorities raced to craft a patch to regain control. Yet, Luna's network flourished, Coders and hackers emerged from the shadows, emboldened by Luna's audacity and motivated by a shared vision of dismantling oppression.

The government's desperate patches were futile despite the relentless onslaught of ingenuity. Luna's platform became a hub of collective expertise, a virtual town square where minds collaborated and merged their knowledge to thwart each attempt at control. The hackers and coders worked in symphony, each innovation becoming a brick in the fortress they were constructing. With every attempt, they were one step ahead, defying the government's efforts and solidifying the idea that united determination could overcome even the most powerful adversaries.
As Luna's platform began to reach billions of users around the globe, the collective power of the online community became an unyielding force. In a climactic convergence of digital prowess, they struck the final blow that shattered the government's firewall. Once shackled by oppression, the virtual realm burst forth in an explosion of connectivity and boundless opportunity. The internet, a reflection of humanity's collective spirit, was restored to its former glory. People rejoiced as the shackles of censorship fell away, replaced by a world where creativity, innovation, and unfettered expression could flourish again.
In the aftermath of their victory, society transformed. The movement that Luna had ignited spread like wildfire, dismantling the very foundation of the government's control. The voices of the people united, and the government, stripped of its dominion, crumbled under the weight of its own corruption. Luna's platform had given rise to a new era, a world where individuals were not mere subjects but sovereign beings in a global community bound by shared aspirations. The digital revolution sparked a real-world evolution, restoring society's equilibrium and inspiring a generation to rise above fear and embrace the power they held within.

In the end, Luna was not just a hacker or a coder; she had become a symbol of courage, innovation, and the unwavering belief that change was possible, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Through her journey, Luna had forged connections, kindled hope, and awakened a movement that transcended the digital realm and reverberated through reality itself. And so, with the government's power dismantled and society reborn, Luna's story became the embodiment of the human spirit's unrelenting drive to create, to connect, and to set the world free.

Putting the Society Back Into The DMS
Project Pitch
Our #BCM206 project centres around exploring the future of the BCM Twitter community. To achieve this, we plan to revive the Digital Media Society (DMS), UOW's Student-Run Communication & Media Club. Our goal with this club is to create an environment that fosters the resurgence of the BCM Twitter community (now X). We're inviting all BCM students to join in, contribute, and breathe life back into the community.
During 2017-2019, the BCM online community thrived, but its vibrancy has waned over time. We believe the underlying spirit still exists; we just need to provide some fuel to the fire. As we rehabilitate the DMS, we're determined to redefine its core purpose. Instead of positioning it as a business entity, we're emphasising its role as a thriving community.

The DMS's social accounts will continue to serve as guiding lights for BCM students seeking support and resources for their coursework. However, our approach involves every member of the group actively sharing and generating content (memes, starter packs, relatable tweets, etc) through their personal Twitter accounts, each posting as members of the BCM community. Through this collective effort, we intend to inspire other BCM students to join the movement and become active contributors, thus creating a positive chain reaction.
Would love some more responses on my questionnaire! 🥰 #crlp200#bcm110 #bcm112 #bcm113 #bcm212 #bcm222 #bcm300 #bcm325 #bcm312
— 𝓑𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 🌷 (@ItsBonnieMaree) April 12, 2022