This week is all about my content creation process. As my D.A involves sharing old TV footage, my process differs slightly from a timeline of creating content "in-house".
- Content Ideation & Planning
- Content Sourcing & Permissions
- Creation of Short form videos for TikTok & Reels
Leon Anderson's approach to autoethnography highlights the importance of acting as a member of the niche under investigation (Anderson, 2006). Over the past few weeks, I have been consuming and observing. Entering into this research, I am prompted to reflect on my perspective within this niche. Founded on emotional responses, both creators and the audience act with bias. The ethnographic skill of reflecting ensures that we (as researchers) acknowledge that our viewpoints, beliefs, and practises may vary dramatically (Pink, et al., 2016).
I found this video from ABC3 on Vimeo. I have communicated with them before, so I sent them an email [conversation featured below].
I find it really exciting working with such pivotal organisations. The fact that they created content which I sometimes watched everyday as a kid is so cool!
I have used the skill of problematising to identify what makes my content stand out within my niche. My content introduces new, unseen footage into the landscape. Creators in the niche repost content that is commonly available on YouTube, Instagram or TikTok. I try to source content that isn't already in the niche. Also, most creators show small clips from TV shows, but my content shows the promo footage that would have been aired. By looking at my field site using the lens of problematising, I can ensure that my content remains unique (Moore, 2023), and isn't overwhelming audiences with duplicate content.
My specific approach to creating content aims to promote audience engagement whilst sharing media that immerses viewers in nostalgic broadcast footage.
As I am not directly featured in my content, I have developed a style guide to help build my persona. This includes standards for colourways, fonts, and footage + text positioning. This guide has been designed based on observations from similar creators in my niche. I have also noticed that all niche creators usually share their horizontal footage with a black background (HEX: #000000). To stand out in the crowd, I opted for a darker grey background (HEX: #191919). I believe that this colour helps my content look modern but still matches the overall aesthetic standard within my niche. This ensures my content is familiar and easy to consume (Herskovitz & Crystal, 2010).
Conceptualising involves transforming observed information into easily understandable content. It also helps to identify ways to differentiating my content in an already cluttered niche (Moore, 2023). My unique content sourcing keeps me relevant. Plus, my strategic video template, tailored to Instagram & TikTok's UI features, ensures consumable cohesive content, which helps establish and maintain a recognisable persona.
Finished products, ready for distribution.
Last Updated: 09/10/2023 @ 3:15pm
Reference List
Anderson, L., 2006. Analytic Autoethnography. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 35(4).
Moore, C., 2023. Lecture Part One: Content Generation - Perspective, Problematising, Approaching and Conceptualising, Lecture YouTube Video, BCM241, University of Wollongong. Viewed 21/08/2023)
Hall, J., 2022. 3 Questions To Ask When Creating Relevant Content. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 08 2023].
Herskovitz, S. & Crystal, M., 2010. The essential brand persona: storytelling and branding. Journal of Business Strategy, 31(3), pp. 21-28.
Maher, M., 2021. Crop and Safe Zone Template for IG Reels and Tik Tok Videos. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 08 2023].
Market Veep, 2023. How to Create a Cohesive Content Creation Strategy. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 08 2023].
Pink, S. et al., 2016. Digital Ethnography: Principles and Practice. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Tactic Creative Services, 2010. ABC3 Harmony - Rockstar [ONLINE VIDEO].
Available at:
[Accessed 23 08 2023].
Weaver, J., 2023. Sludge content is consuming TikTok. Why aren't we talking about it?. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 08 2023].