This is my final platform proliferation blog post and a lot has changed and developed over the past 3 cycles. Each feedback loop has been a learning curve and actively developing my distribution strategy.
As mentioned in the lectures. Including helps prioritise representation and ensure all voices are heard, particularly those who may be marginalised or underrepresented (Moore, 2023). As explored last week, most of my content is very inclusive of people from diverse backgrounds. However, In terms of content proliferation, my goal is to distribute to as many people as possible. I recognise that to achieve this, foreign social media platforms may be the best method, however due to the niche the content exists in, its only relevant to those who lived in Australia as a child.
Comparing & Contrasting
Comparing my content to @childhoodncstalgia2 and @nostalg1ac0re and their success, I am affirmed that my content style is effective. I've adopted the fun comment response style from the ABC's @abczaus. Overall, comparing my content proliferation and creation with current trends, experiences and academic viewpoints. After using the ethnographic skill of comparing, I use contrasting to emphasis differences to delineate unique characteristics and 'selling points' of my DA. (Møller & Robards, 2019)'s Walkthrough method for digital ethnography has been instrumental in understanding how my content compares and contrasts with other creators. Existing content distribution architectures are becoming ill-suited for the new patterns of content creation and exchange, as noted by (Mislove, 2012). Overall, in terms of platforms, I've noticed that TikTok is much more lucrative for this niche and it seems as thought Instagram is fading into the shadows as newer platforms offer more affordances, with less strict guidelines and limitations on creativity. With TikTok content getting hundreds of thousands of views & likes, where Instagram content may only get 100-1000 at best.
Reflexivity, Sensitivity + Flexibility
Reflexivity is a skill which helps to foster self-awareness and critical evaluation. Being reflective has enabled me to discuss my learning process openly and to acknowledge my biases. I've shared threads about lessons learned and how my viewpoints have evolved. Understanding and interpreting experience is often a challenge, as (Pink, et al., 2016) note, 'experience is often difficult to articulate.' My reflexivity is a way to immerse myself in the experience, helping me to understand its significance. Sensitivity addresses topics with compassion and empathy. I've been careful in how i present potentially sensitive or contentious content, using trigger warnings where needed. Also, I've made sure the comment sections across my platforms are moderated to maintain respect and sensitivity. This has been achieved using social media management tool Hootsuite.
Handling my Biases in Proliferation
I constantly have to challenge my own biases about what kind of content is "valuable". Learning about the importance of inclusivity and sensitivity has broadened my understanding of how to engage with a diverse audience responsibly. I often show and consult a few close friends my upcoming content to ideally eliminate any biases or favouritism I may show to particular content. I've become increasingly resilient to unfavourable comments from the audience, and instead of defending, I try to view it from their perspective and recognise that we all have altering viewpoints and backstories.
Advice for Future Students
Take the time to understand each platform's unique characteristics and audiences. Don't just cross-post the same content everywhere. Also, always be prepared to evolve; what works today, may not work tomorrow. Remember to keep organised with weekly observation and blog posts.
Last Updated: 11/10/2023 @ 3:07pm
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Møller, K. & Robards, B., 2019. Walking Through, Going Along and Scrolling Back: Ephemeral mobilities in digital ethnography. Nordicom Review, 1(40), pp. 95-109.
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TikTok, 2023. TIKTOK: nostalg1ac0re. [Online]
Available at:
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